Sunday, August 23, 2020

Kristin Landeros Essays - Islam, Terrorism, Violence, Free Essays

Kristin Landeros Essays - Islam, Terrorism, Violence, Free Essays Kristin Landeros PROF. DIL SOC M01 07/17/17 Media ISIS is a fear monger bunch in Islam. They are otherwise called ISIL or IS. Just to demonstrate it's moving toward speculations (because of their strict matchless quality), this gathering has caused issues around the world. Islam, being the establishment of this gathering exceptionally accepts that ISIS will serve their God by achieving his desires by their activities to improve humanity. In the event that one doesn't serve their God as he wishes, they have faith in severely rebuffing those of ISIS who don't follow. ISIS has gotten vigorously dynamic and more grounded than previously and causing so much harm even in the United States. (Unraveling Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so difficult to comprehend?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) The term ISIS implies Islamic state. It is likewise known to mean Islamic State in al-Sham which is the name of their district in Arabic. ISIS has been a name that brings upon an issue with large organizations, likewise being the name of an antiquated Egyptian Goddess. ISIL implies; Islamic State in Iraq the Levant. ISIS figured that ISIL was a fitting name for the association dependent on the geological region they were in. Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan were all in Levant ( Para. 9 TERROR SAVAGESISIS - What does Isis represent, what does Daesh mean and what's the right name for the fear monger gathering,, June 16, 2017). Notwithstanding the name, they all had a similar objective. That objective was to make an express that will be managed by severe principles brought upon Islamic Laws to each visitor. This extreme gathering in Syria and Iraq utilized psychological oppression to assume control over land. Since the US are partners to Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It is a major concern if ISIS focuses on these nations provided that they were to have a war, that implies we as the US would as well. (Deciphering Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so difficult to comprehend?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) There is a term that non supporters call ISIS/ISIL/IS and that is Daesh. This term signifies Dwala al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq, which mean can a rundown of things like; Thatdaeshis an Arabic word in its own right (as opposed to an abbreviation) which means a gathering of narrow minded people who force their will on others' That it very well may be distinctively conjugated' to mean either the expression above or to stomp on and smash' That one of the words in the abbreviation likewise intends to stomp on or pulverize' That it is an affront or swearword in its own privilege That is has various implications in the plural structure (Translating Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so difficult to comprehend?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) Parenti states that the prevailing press stirs up stories deliberately with the goal that the news can be industry inviting. Media, never take on stories that are liable to contrasting assessments. The corporate predominant press only here and there stray in an area that may make uneasiness the individuals who hold political and monetary force including the individuals who possess or promote in it (METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATION, BY MICHAEL PARENTI para 3). From what Parenti says, concealment by oversight is a vital route utilized by the prevailing press sources. Concealment is generally done to escape from the themes being referred to. Now and then a story can be secured by standard sources without accurately recounting to the story to people in general. These key ways are utilized to look after benefit. For instance Parenti utilizes is The Tylenol harming of a few by an unsettled individual was dealt with like huge news, however the unquestionably increasingly hair-raising story of the mechanical dark lung harming of thousands of assembly line laborers by enormous assembling (METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATION, BY MICHAEL PARENTI, para 5). I accept that we are affected by what we are not told similarly as we are told. Being told over and again told that we are wonderful or anything in those terms would cause us to feel great. Instead of not telling somebody that over and again would cause them to feel oposit. We are unquestionably impacted by society from what we see an and hear. It appears today that the media takes big name lines a

Friday, August 21, 2020

The American Economy

Presentation The U.S. economy remains the biggest economy on the planet in spite of the quick rising economies, for example, China, Japan and India among others. These developing economies compromise the U.S. economy concerning losing of its upper hand. Nonetheless, in 2010, the GDP of U.S. was evaluated to be at $ 14.7 trillion.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The American Economy explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This gauge plainly positions U.S. economy at the bleeding edge. The U.S. economy is likewise generally known for keeping up high yield per capita that empowers it to rank at 6th position around the world. Moreover, the U.S. positions among the top all around perceived nations in exchange and business. The matchless quality of U.S. economy may be emphatically attracted from its capacity to keep up stable GDP, significant levels of research, support of low joblessness levels and elevated levels of capital ventures at the national and global level. To comprehend the economy of U.S. all the more obviously it will be to some degree judicious to partition the economy into subsections for simple understanding of the practical units. This will additionally empower one to welcome the economy when all is said in done and all the more altogether to overcome with recommendations gave to improve the economy just as thinking of closely-held conviction. Salary and riches The report discharged in the start of 2008 showed that the pretax middle family pay was at the normal $50,000 for the year 2007. The middle family pay ran starting with one area then onto the next. For example, in Maryland it was at $68,000 while for Mississippi was at $36,000. There was an expansion of pay from 2006 to year 2007 for representatives who worked all day. Comparable increment was additionally outstanding in ladies. The rising economy was for the most part credited to the expanding salary from the citizens. Nonetheless, the quantity of work drop ped altogether in the year 2008 after the country confronted financial emergency. Retailing This is the significant part of the U.S. economy. The regular retailing ventures in the U.S. incorporate Montgomery, Target, Burger King and Wal-Mart (Landefeld 40).Advertising Looking for article on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These organizations are for the most part worried about delivering customer merchandise. These organizations every now and again raise costs of their items due to the ever-expanding vitality and work costs. This thus influences the economy and now and again the administration is compelled to mediate the tasks of such organizations to defend shoppers. Farming The huge ripe land and innovatively improved techniques for crops development have empowered the U.S. economy to create about a portion of the complete grains devoured around the world. The items created are corn, wheat, cotton , natural products, dairy items, fish, vegetables and poultry among others. Also, U.S. is among the couple of nations that appreciates endowments from the legislature particularly in the horticultural segment. This has thusly come about to more creation of agrarian items (Landefeld and Barbara 163). Money The U.S. gangs various incredible securities exchanges on the planet. New York stock Exchange is the biggest stock trade with a capitalization of US$10.1 trillion for the organizations recorded over yonder. Another incredible stock trade known as NASDAQ is third on the planet after Japan’s Tokyo Stock Exchange however it is accounted for to have a higher exchange volume for each hour when contrasted with JTSE. Around 3,800 organizations have recorded their offers with NASDAQ stock trade. Assembling A report created in 2008 shows that the assembling yield of US economy was bigger when contrasted with that of China, India and Brazil when joined. The modern yield for the year 2 007 was at $2.69 trillion. Among the businesses that added to this yield incorporate oil, steel, cars, media transmission, synthetic concoctions, gadgets, buyer merchandise, mining , stumble, agrarian producers and aerospace.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The American Economy explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More actually, the U.S. is known for being the main nation in assembling planes. Organizations that take part in exercises of creating planes incorporate Boeing, Lockheed, General Dynamics and Cessna. Regardless of the extraordinary stake, they hold at the worldwide level, as of late US economy confronted work misfortunes in the modern area. Vitality The U.S. is the biggest economy notable for expending high measure of vitality. The vast majority of the vitality devoured is achieved from petroleum products. All things considered, 23% of all out vitality originates from coal, 24% from flammable gas, 7.4% from atomic force, and 6.6% from t he sustainable hydroelectric vitality while 40% of the vitality originates from oil. When all is said in done, transportation area has been perceived to be biggest part devouring most significant level of vitality averaging 69% of the complete oil utilized in U.S. Transportation part generally devour the oil vitality (Landefeld and Barbara 33). Worldwide exchange The U.S. is the biggest country that takes an interest in the universal exchange. It imports a larger number of items than some other nation on the planet. It is additionally eminent to be among the couple of countries that redistribute its’ administrations. This has driven their cash to be in high flow over the world. All the more significantly, the US money has consistently been utilized in the universal markets as a standard unit of cash for some items, for example, oil. Most solid economies, for example, China hold U.S. cash holds for speculation and worldwide exchange purposes. In any case, U.S. is reprimanded f or having imbalanced worldwide exchange as imports are accounted for to surpass trades. For example, the imports for the 2008 were at $2.5 trillion while sends out were at $1.8 trillion.Advertising Searching for exposition on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More As of late, the U.S. economy is said to work with high open shortage in which most solid economies are taking steps to quit holding U.S. dollar saves. The monetary emergency of 2008 had fairly decreased the exchanging volume of the U.S. economy as most large organizations were debilitated. Specifically, the import volume went down. Government mediation in the economy The legislature of the U.S. intercede the market in various manners. Some immediate association incorporates set of decides that manages the market with a perspective on controlling business sector costs. Among these principles, incorporate those set for the financial framework, for example, the base vault prerequisite by the Federal Reserve with respect to every single business bank. These principles center around total honesty for judicious dynamic by financial specialists and representatives, extortion anticipation and all the more critically maintaining loaning to the lower-salary segment. The legislature additionall y controls the private area in an offer to push for social objectives. For example, the U.S. government set up the Occupational Safety and Health Administration that advocates safe workplace. Different approaches set up by the legislature incorporate the U.S. Ecological Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration. Be that as it may, these guidelines apparently made costly the activity of most business (Barrett 27). These costs were brought about in setting up work, shopper and natural principles. Tax collection and government spending Taxation is demanded at different levels in the U.S. economy. Significantly, central government, state government and nearby government charge the duty. National government, state government and neighborhood government regularly gather a normal of 40% of the consumers’ pay. Tax assessment structures significant piece of pay for the U.S. economy. The U.S. government exhausts its funds in a few direct administrations. These administrati ons incorporates arrangement of national barrier, supporting examination that prompts advancement of items at the market and running projects that assist workers with improving their aptitudes. The administration is likewise worried about giving foundation, for example, street development. As of late, the legislature expanded its spending in the wellbeing area. The U.S. has been having a sort of economy where costs surpass incomes. This implies the legislature as often as possible faces spending deficiencies that have expanded the open obligation. The administration consistently gets extra funds from the issue of securities at the residential and universal market. Rise of quickest developing economies With this general information on U.S. economy, we will have the option to comprehend on what should be done to bring the economy in the groove again as it is losing its grasps monetarily because of various components. In the ongoing worldwide economy, nations, for example, China, India , France, Japan and other Asian and European nations have depicted solid financial development that is applying pressure on the intensity of the U.S. economy. Truth be told, China has dumbfounded the world by having the option to deliver merchandise and enterprises at the most reduced expense. Today china positions high in trading its items over the world. U.S. on the opposite is losing its fares to China and Japan (Lieberman 76). Significance of having a decent market structure A decent investigation of the market would support the U.S. economy get again with solid soul. It is perceived that the economy of a nation relies upon the yield of the ventures. In the event that an industry is delivering more items, at that point most likely an economy will encounter low joblessness levels. This is on the grounds that the business will utilize more specialists. It might likewise increment employees’ pay due high benefits in light of monstrous creation. Thus, there will be a general increment in the degree of pay. More pay will mean all the more spending and more investment funds that will bring down pace of obtaining from banks and money related foundations. Because of these components, the degree of inv

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Persuasive Essay Topics For College

<h1>Persuasive Essay Topics For College</h1><p>If you need to compose a decent enticing paper then you have to search for good powerful exposition themes for school. These will assist you with utilizing your time composing your paper. Here are a few hints for you to follow.</p><p></p><p>One of the incredible recommendations you can do is to pick a theme that intrigues you. For instance, on the off chance that you are in the military, a decent proposal may be about the war. You can likewise compose a persuading paper about your political perspectives and experience. Remember that these themes can likewise be extremely disputable and they could cause controversy.</p><p></p><p>You can compose a powerful paper, regardless of whether you have never kept in touch with one. This is on the grounds that the standards are very basic. You simply need to realize how to compose an influential exposition. Above all, the standard is to make a solid contention that will persuade your peruser to have faith in your side. That is the significant errand that you need to consider before composing your essay.</p><p></p><p>A incredible tip is to utilize an individual account to make your contention. There are numerous occasions when we can relate stories to our own encounters and issues. For instance, we can identify with a companion who has been under a great deal of pressure. The primary concern here is that we can identify with others' emotions and issues and have the option to relate with them.</p><p></p><p>Another tip for composing a powerful exposition is to give an examination. There are numerous sources that are accessible on the web. Search for one that can give you the most ideal quality examination. This will assist you with having the option to give more proof and studies to back up your claims.</p><p></p><p>One of the most ideal approa ches to compose an enticing article is to have an outline. This is useful in light of the fact that it can help you from multiple points of view. One way is that it is a decent reference when the peruser is befuddled. They can return to peruse and get a review of what you have written.</p><p></p><p>The key for composing a decent contention is to keep it short. Individuals don't prefer to peruse long articles. Recall that you will probably convince. That is the reason you have to do it rapidly and clearly.</p><p></p><p>As you can see, there are some enticing exposition points for school. The best thing you can do to begin composing your exposition is to go on the web and discover one. This will assist you with getting thoughts that you can use to concoct better topics.</p>

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Writing a Persuasive Essay - Creating a Persuasive Essay

<h1>Writing a Persuasive Essay - Creating a Persuasive Essay</h1><p>Writing influential paper is an exceptionally testing task as there are such a significant number of new and changing principles of the advanced world. Our general public is turning out to be progressively complex consistently concerning society and its standards and qualities which affect individuals' life styles.</p><p></p><p>One of the most remarkable changes in our advanced society is the kind of media utilization that we have become used to. Individuals have become on top of the video, sound and photographs being utilized in distributing organizations just as in the web. This makes disarray and makes an absence of basic deduction abilities in the individuals who are presented to this.</p><p></p><p>The use of altering programming causes the procedure of altering simple and anybody to can alter, cut, re-mastermind and present it as they wish. It is conceivable to carry on the force and the article by utilizing a progression of explanatory stunts that can make the article look additionally fascinating and convincing.</p><p></p><p>Use of emotive sentences that uplift the effect of one sentence will cause the crowd to feel as though it merits perusing it further. Furthermore, embeddings some cheerful or miserable endings will do likewise as will utilizing viable pictures and graphs.</p><p></p><p>Another thing that one needs to recollect while composing a powerful exposition is to consistently utilize formal language and right sentence structure. Additionally, don't give any space for contention and reason.</p><p></p><p>If the crowd is now disposed to accept the data or guarantee of the essayist, at that point it does not merit spreading a lot of falsehood about the subject. To put it plainly, don't compose your contention or substance so that apparently it is opposing to the truth.</p><p></p><p>Lastly, when you have composed your powerful paper and publishedit, the time has come to take a couple of moments to post the substance on long range informal communication locales like Facebook and MySpace just as survey online journals. The motivation behind this is to get input from your perusers just as the pundits who are investigating your work.</p><p></p><p>Remember that composing powerful paper is a workmanship that you can learn and create. Actually, this is one of the approaches to manufacture your believability as an essayist just as a human being.</p>

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Vital Pieces of Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence

<h1> Vital Pieces of Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h1> <p>That is, with most of action words the perfect participle is precisely the same in structure as the past tense. Much the same as any subject in English language structure, it's least complex to begin with ordinary action words. </p> <p>For the ESL understudy, the last alter is fundamental. The snappy answer is it is reliant upon such a paper you will be composing. It is essential to shoulder as a top priority that at this period of the article no new focuses should be presented. </p> <h2>All About Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h2> <p>The past flawless communicates the idea that something happened before another activity already. Children hated the film. Amazing day beautiful people of the world. Recounting to a story is tied in with settling on decisions. </p> <h2>The Supreme Strategy to Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h2> <p>The cost of corrective medical procedure is an enormous one and a youngster needing I should realize how they're probably going to bear the cost of it and on the off chance that it is genuinely worth the expense. Assuming this is the case, current state would make a gigantic choice. On the off chance that you've chosen what you're probably going to compose, make an unpleasant layout of how you will continue before offer it the last chance. Additionally, keeping your layout around all through the whole procedure will assist you with remaining sorted out and help you in ensuring that you remember anything. </p> <h2>The Secret to Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h2> <p>In case the paper is organized around an issue, it is regularly fitting to complete the article by offering answers for that issue and illustrating possible outcomes if those arrangements aren't followed. You ought to get some overall quite reliable sources. Remind the understudies there are bunches of assortments of proof. There are normally a wide range of types of tests. </p> <p>Other people feel that buyer culture has had a significant impact in improving our lives. Magnificent associations between contentions are habitually an entanglement to authors, and by ensuring extraordinary associations are made, you truly can reinforce your article! In the event that the appropriate response is open-finished it will be more diligently and tedious to stamp and there can likewise be an a component of subjectivity associated with judging how 'complete' the appropriate response is, however in any case, it may likewise be a progressively precise test. Go over the two perspectives and give your feeling. </p> <h2> What Does Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence Mean? </h2> <p>we have zero guideline to help you ace the sorts of these sporadic action words. The past-impeccable tense (in any case called the pluperfect tense) is more entangled. </p> <p>Because a given activity now and then occurs at a few focuses already, and can las t shifting terms (a few activities occur and are finished, while some are continuous), there are loads of interesting sorts of past tenses. The ideal cop doesn't generally relate to the real world. A few people bolster the thought of plastic medical procedure since they think it has mental points of interest, others are against because of the peril and the move isn't changeless. </p> <p>The present nonstop tense is utilized to talk about activities or circumstances which are occurring right now of talking. There are a lot of conditions where the past flawless tense can be utilized. The divided break in progression makes it intense to put activities with respect to one another. Takes more becoming accustomed to. </p> <h2>The Truth About Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h2> <p>Time articulations made out of a couple of words are set either toward the beginning or the decision of a sentence and as a rule at the finish of inquiries. The simple past is the principal sort of past tense in English. Inside this sentence the action word express demonstrates that I'll complete the activity of composing eventually later on. On the planet today, the English language has come to be a critical thing. </p> <p>Multiple decision Choose the suitable word to complete the sentence. Be proficient in realizing what sort of words to use in a particular point or subject. The competitor fills the hole to complete the sentence. Come back to your exposition layout on the off chance that you trust you are rehashing yourself or not appearing well and good at all. </p> <h2>What You Don't Know About Samples for Esl Essay in past Tence </h2> <p>When the paper itself should comprise of 3 sections, it's attractive to create a blueprint for all of them. Join Now Novel and get supportive studies which will assist you with bettering your use of tense. This may cause a framework like answer. All are free and might be utilized for any capacity. </p>

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Underrated Concerns About Recent Research Papers on Data Mining

<h1> Underrated Concerns About Recent Research Papers on Data Mining </h1> <h2>If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Recent Research Papers on Data Mining </h2> <p>Statistical examination is a somewhat useful instrument to procure estimated arrangements when the. The misrepresentation location strategy can be basically utilized through charge card administrations and media transmission. Today, high innovations are taking progressively increasingly significant part in the technique for taking the most critical choices. </p> <p>The web impact will in any case be a significant drop in business. The reproducibility factor will have a significant impact in the evaluation of every accommodation. Therefore, it very well may be useful while estimating all the elements of the productive venture. </p> <p>This experience is hard to ace for amateurs. In addition, with the help of it one can fathom the criticalness of exact information. The creators are urged to profit by the discretionary two-page supplement to give the appropriate data. Will focus on increasingly inconspicuous features of moral factual practice. </p> <p>Utilise the help of our administration and don't be worried about how you complete the school. What's more, it picks up the trust of its clients with such kind of endeavors. For instance, while working in the publicizing business an individual can see all the issues of purchaser conduct and their propensities. Every client will get a non-copied paper with auspicious delivery. </p> <h2> Recent Research Papers on Data Mining Fundamentals Explained </h2> <p>An fantastic thought is to make a few potential titles and after that select the best one. An incessant mix-up for youthful specialists is to make titles which are exceptionally long to endeavor to make the title unmistakable. This was a major change both concerning research region yet in addition as for nation. To put it in an unexpected way, a flourishing specialist will carry out the responsibility hard. </p> <p>There will be a schedule vacancy for organizations to deliver their introduction in a room. Top Executive Top administrators are those in an industry that choose vital arrangements to ensure that an industry meets its points time to time. Moreover, it's additionally advantageous for advertising efforts since it will assist with detecting the client reaction over specific items offered available. </p> <p>Most millenials today don't appear to think about working at mines in remote segments of the planet. For example, it is conceivable that different people will misjudge your work since something is hazy. As individuals can gather data regarding the matter of the advertised items on the web, which in the end decreases the cost of the thing and their master administrations. It's additionally helpful for understudies, that are situated in various zones of the world. </p> <p>For now there's only a couple of capacities accessible in contrast with. It inspects utilizing PCs. Test it out in case you're keen on information wrangling with MATLAB. Each line relates to a solitary case. </p> <h2>Choosing Good Recent Research Papers on Data Mining </h2> <p>Data mining administration is a basic sort of data gathering philosophy wherein which all the fitting data experiences a recognizable proof technique. Eminent instances of data mining can be situated all through association, medication, science, and observation. It is generally utilized by numerous individuals of the enormous gaints in the data innovation division and furthermore some little ventures by utilizing their own procedures. So as far as characterizing, it is a procedure that is valuable for the revelation of useful and breaking down the comprehension of the parts of various components. </p> <p>There are numerous sorts of favorable circumstances and points of interest of data mining frameworks. The basic certainty that mining is only discovering its voice concerning innovation with every one of these chances to advance is energizing and can end up being appealing to twenty to thirty year olds. Also, after this kind of upset in the mining framework, furthermore, it included one more issue and that is a lot of work. Along these lines, understanding the point of the mining methodology is an issue of data. </p> <p>This paper utilizes RAND research to exhibit how schools and areas are examining accomplishment test result and different sorts of information to deliver choices to support understudy achievement. The utilization of data mining by numerous organizations in the U.S. isn't constrained by any enactment. PC specialists later on should make calculations that assist enterprises with understanding very huge aggregate of data and natural information. </p>

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Fredrick Douglas The Most Prominent Writer In The American Literarure - 550 Words

Fredrick Douglas: The Most Prominent Writer In The American Literarure (Essay Sample) Content: Frederick Douglas Name Institution Frederick Douglas Fredrick Douglas, a former slave, is one of the most prominent writers in the American Literal works. The events of his life are put into consideration to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the 19th century. A slave at a very young age, he was exposed to the difficult life of being a slave (Trotman, 2011). Moreover, his mother was a slave and speculations placed the father to be the master of the farm. Douglas was a witness to the murder of his aunt at a young age of seven. Afterwards his affair with Mrs. Auld gave him the opportunity to have the ability to read and write. His marriage afterward to Anne Murray a slave woman gave him a new perspective of what life as it came at a point that he was not a slave to anyone. The works of Douglas are most famous for the influential role it had in the Abolitionist Movement. He spoke in most of his meetings as he had a firsthand experience of being slave and his word had a great driving force to the American-Anti Slavery policy. Fredrick Douglas spoke of the importance of every man being free. He depicted that, given the right incentive; a black man can be equal to any white man. His drive of never relinquishing has been incorporated in today in most societies (Douglass Stepto, 2009). Douglas flight from slavery was significantly owed to the harsh reactions of the master. After acquiring education, he noticed that literacy would be the liberation to the black man. His invitation to the movement was to give his experience as a slave. However, his passionate speech opened days to the literal world. From these stories it is evident that the world in which we thrive in currently is much less oppressive compared to that lived in the late 1880s. The era had constant incidences of slavery, which most people did not perceive it as wrong as opposed to the current world where the same act is inhuman and a hooligan act. Frederick Douglas in his autobiography portrays individuals as innocent, with qualities against oppression in current society. His story line tells of the wrong incapability, which generate certain believes that the individuals bringing change in the whole phase of humanity (Douglass, 1994). Billy Budd tries to give the intent in naming the rights of man in the obvious showing choice of oppression. Melville, discusses about the intent of naming the naming the first ship which is an evident episode in the whole of the land. The lessons in the text is that the when faced by an oppr...